Wednesday, September 28, 2011

11*11*11 Workshop

11*11*11 is a big day.  There will be many gatherings and events in Sedona.   Our dear friend Jerry Gilden is hosting the one below.  Check it out!

Location: 100 Meadowlark Drive, Sedona, AZ 86336
Time: 8:30AM Friday, November 11th

Spirit has led us to share the power, the portal and the purpose of 11.11.11 in a powerful day -one workshop ("SOULPOSSIUM") followed by a joyful season finale ceremony, "Journey Through YOUR Star Gate."

If you are spirit led to join us in Sedona for the 11.11.11 Journey Through Your Star Gate Workshop & Ceremony, I ask that you complete the attendance application attached and return it to us as quickly as possible.

11/11/11 a light code (a vibration frequency) that when activated, opens a neuropathic gateway (Star Gate) that allows access to advanced levels of intelligence. This intelligence remains dormant until it is impulsed with galactic light. This light creates a perceptual shift from polarity to a unified field of oneness. This shift leads to the ascension process or higher consciousness

Sedona Ceremony is offering a daylong intensive workshop (SOULPOSIUM) from 8:30am to 4:30 pm. This workshop is divided into three parts.

In the morning the focus is on activating each persons individual soul-code. The second part of the workshop focuses on the collapse of the duality thought process. In the final portion of the workshop we will journey through the doorway of the heart into the portion of our soul that heretofore has been dormant.

On this earth there is belief that we are separate from source. This is a fear-based reality. From the time we are born we are programmed with belief systems from our family, country, culture, education, religion, etc., without the ability to discern what is authentic for us. In essence, we create a persona based on other people’s perceptions and reactions to our behaviors. This creates a false self, one born out of a reactive consciousness, manufactured personality based on image.

When the soul is activated with galactic consciousnesses, the false belief systems collapse. The freedom of this collapse is the birth of your illumined consciousness.

Interested guests are invited to submit an application for admittance. For more information, please send an email to

The Journey Through Your Star Gate Workshop will be held in the large sanctuary at JCSVV, 100 Meadowlark Drive, Sedona, AZ. (Direction link: The workshop fee is $300, which includes a meat-free lunch and the evening's ceremony. Interested guests are invited to submit an application for admittance. For more information, please email us at

Workshop: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Lunch: 12:30-1:30 (lunch included)
Dinner Break: 4:30 pm – 6:30 PM (dinner not included)
Sedona Ceremony Event: 6:30 pm – 9 pm.

Checks should be made payable to Cornucopia Community Advocates and sent along with your application to:

Jerry Gilden
90 Coffee Cup Drive
Sedona, AZ 86336

Workshop facilitators include:

Soul-Code Activator Michael Gilardy
Sedona Ceremony founder Jerry Gilden
Sound Healing Therapist Scott Simon
Heart Chakra harpist Barbie Edwards
Flute Music by Jesse Kalu

Come open your hearts – share your love – and we shall travel together through our personal and collective Star Gates.

11/11/11 Journey Through Your Star Gate - Workshop and Ceremony

Please complete this registration form and return to:

Jerry Gilden
90 Coffee Cup Drive
Sedona, AZ USA 86336
Phone: (928) 204-1022

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sedona Sunset

We have been having some really spectacular Sunsets lately.
Here's one for you.
Sunsets are such powerful times.
They herald the coming of dream time.
Time to slow down.
Rest, review your day.
Count your Blessings.
Be still.
Be at One with your World.
Just for this moment STOP,
Let Go
Ah Ho!

Sedona Red Rock Vortex Tours

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rise Up

Rise Up.  Rise Up from the earthly wheel of birth and death and rebirth. Use the Fire of transmutation to lift up, transfigure and ascend.  Ascend by evolving each Chakra to its highest potential.  Your Chakras are your rainbow.  Let that rainbow shine as the great promise that it is.  The promise of the Gold at the end of the Rainbow.  The Gold of the Light of the Spirit that Shines Within You.
Rise Up and with your powerful Spirit arms Embrace the LIGHT! 
Ah Ho.

Sedona Red Rock Vortex Tours

Monday, September 5, 2011

Instant Waterfall

This waterfall is part of the Sedona Monsoon Magic.  Waterfalls appear full of sacred water and are gone in an instant.  If you are lucky enough to be there to experience the magic you can use the water to bless your Life and your Endeavors.  Very powerful.  Very Special.  Very Unique and Very Rare.  Especially a waterfall flowing off the Mother  Butte - Cathedral Rock.
This very powerful moment was part of one of our transformational Sedona Vortex Tours