Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today has been great. We just started crating some fabulous packages with a local Spa.

These will be wonderful Day Retreats.  Each one comes with one of our special tours, Lunch and then a Spa Treatment and a unique gift.

They are affordable and give you a total Sedona experience.  The Spa treatments all assist you in integrating your experience and they are reflective of your experience.

 For example one package begins with our Sedona Vortex Tour Lunch at the Resort Restaurant
Then a deliciously relaxing healing hands Treatment which blends, reiki, cranial sacral massage and shiatsu techniques.

And the a relax in their steam room and salt water jacuzzi.

You also receive a gift of our Specially Blended Sage Smudge Spray.


I love it.

See more on the Sedona spa retreat here.

Visit Sedona Vortex Retreats website to see all our amazing retreats.

Monday, March 21, 2011


We are now officially in Spring.  This is the perfect time to start new projects and plant the seeds of your creativity.

The Sedona Red Rock Tours Company had an impromptu meeting on the banks of Oak Creek on the Equinox.  We refocused our intent and our mandate.  Really put our attention and intention on holding the space for everyone and anyone who comes to Sedona on a Spiritual Path.

As a result today has been a whirlwind.  Talking and meeting new people.  booking tours.  Creating new programs and making connections.We even added a new member to our team.  Laura will manage our social networking pages.  A whole new and expanded way to reach out to you all.

Everything feels vibrant and new and I feel like we are budding just like the trees.

Have a wonderful spring everyone.
