A very special and Dear Wolf friend and a Legend in Sedona is just this moment leaving his body and returning home to run with his Wolf Pack in the Sky.
He appeared in Sedona one day and kept all us Wolf Lovers here scrambling trying to rescue him for almost a month!
The first time I saw him was at 6 a.m. one morning when I was headed to work and there he was running along West Hwy 89A. I pulled over, jumped out of the car and tried to catch him but he was too scared for that. I called Akal and he went out after him but no luck there either.
After that we were all on the look out for him. I left doxens of steaks along the road for him that month - usually at the Dolphin Fountain where he liked to go for a drink.
Our local dog catcher was also trying to get him and with the help of my friend Ellie - he set up her no harm trap and one morning there he was. I think he just got tired and surrendered.
Humane Societies in the States are not allowed to adopt out Wolf Dogs but they did allow my Wolf Sister friends and I to take care of him while he was in his mandatory quarantine.
I was allowed to go into his pen with him and take off the chain collar that was stuck around his neck and one leg. I spent many hours with him there, comforting and fattening him up before we could take him home.
I have several very devoted Wolf Mama friends who have done their share of rescuing and this time it was my turn to take in a stray.
Akal and I named him Merkaba - which means the vehicle of Light around the body , that protects us and is our Ascension Vehicle.
Our two girls Shakina and Vajrayana did not take a liking to Merkaba. Vajrayana refused to come in to the house the entire couple of weeks he lived with us and she was very ornery to his face. Shakina would have nothing to do with him at all.
Our once happy family was torn apart.
We learned of Merkaba's past. He was foudn in Los Angeles running the streets crazed after a noisy 4th of July. He must have been spooked and run away from home. His home was never found but the lady working in the Humane Society there really fell for him and she located a Wolf Sanctuary in Phoenix run by our friend Danya called Where Wolves Rescue and she took a road trip with Merkaba to take him to the refuge. Danya adopted him out to a lady in a town about 40 minutes from us. Merkaba was again spooked and jumped the fence and headed to Sedona where he roamed the streets for a month.
He was skinny and ill and needed a lot of Love and that is when Sherri and Jack - fellow Wolf Mama and Papa said they would take him in.
Shakina and Vajrayana where thrilled to see him go and Akal was very, very sad.
Merkaba was the happiest of all. it seems he traveled all that way to find the love of his life - Sherri.
He never once tried to leave his new home and his new Love.
And now Merkaba is in his Ascension Vehicle on his way back home. And I know that he fulfilled his mission and that wa to truly love his Mama and Papa.
Bless you Merkaba
Vaya Con Dios
Iala and Akal and Shakina and Vajrayana