Monday, November 30, 2009

Divine Heart

The Human Heart at the East Gate
I took some people from my yoga class to the Divine Heart Wheel this morning.  It reminded me that I haven't finished telling you about the Wheel.

So here's a little walk around the Wheel.

The Wheel is entered through the East gate.  The East gate is a giant black rock heart.  This represents the human heart  The human heart is the heart that can be broken.  That heart that bleeds and cannot bear all the World's pain and sorrow.  It is the heart that wonders how they could do this or that to me?  It is the heart that judges.

As you enter through the East gate there is a bridge or path to the center.
You may choose this bridge.  The East represents the element of Air.  So if you choose to cross the bridge here you will enter through the Bridge of Inspiration and playfulness.  You will see with the eyes of a child - open and eager.

As we travel around the wheel to the South we are traveling in time.  The south represents high noon or a person at the age of 25.  Fire is passionate and when you are 25 you know it all.  If you choose to cross the bridge here you will enter with a firey, passionate power.

I leave you at this point - I leave you with the passions and playfulness of a young heart.  Enjoy it.  And soon we will journey onward in the circle of life.


Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today we had two Weddings planned.
And there was a storm brewing.

The first Wedding was lovely at awesome Red Rock Crossing. The Sun was shining through the clouds.  Our couple had their grown children with them.  They met years ago when their families were neighbors.  And three years they met again when both were single.  Their children were with them to celebrate.  Lots of joy and Love.  And the weather held beautifully.

As we waited for the second couple to arrive - the clouds took over the sky - the temperature dropped and we were simply concentrating on holding the rain back.

But Sedona smiled upon them and gave us a great miracle - the Sun burst through the clouds and shone on their vows!!  This was a lovely young couple who were both in the military.  Very much in love and so happy. What a great pleasure to marry them.

Akal took lots of fabulous pictures and serendaded us with the flute and even blew th conch shell.
And Sedona blessed us all.


Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanks Giving!

On this day dedicated to gratitude there is so much to be grateful for.
Friends, Loved Ones - my beautiful Babies, Our Home, Sedona - this Life.  All we have created and all we will create.  All our Dreams and Visions and Hopes, This exciting and powerful time we live in and this awesome planet upon which we abide.
Thank you Beloved I AM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Be Marry

Tis the Season to be Married it seems.
Sedona Red Rock Tours and Weddings has lots of Weddings this month.
We're off in just a few minutes to one at Red Rock Crossing.

As you can see it is a very beautiful and romantic spot fora Wedding.
Red Rock Crossing is also a powerful Magnetic Vortex.
Magnetic means it is feminine.  Very loving and nurturing and enveloping. A wonderful place for a new beginning and  to create a new life together and consecrate that life with a Wedding.
I invite you to join us in Spirit.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Devrah Laval

Today is Devrah Laval's Birthday.  She is my dearest friend and an amazing, inspiring Being of Light.

Her Love and her Wisdom woke me up years ago.  She has been a patient and loving, supportive guide for me all along my path.  She is my soul sister, mother, teacher, friend.
She is that very rare commodity an evolved Scorpio.  She does not now nor never has had a sting.

She is a wonderful and gifted Spiritual Teacher.  She has published a transformational book called
The Magic Doorway into the Divine.

Check it out and learn more about Devrah on her website:

Happy Birthday Devrah.
I love you very much.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wheel Initiation

I know I said we would walk the wheel.  But first let me tell you what happened early April 27/09 when I placed the last rock in the wheel after three months of working on it.
I sat down in the center of the Wheel and thought "Something has to happen now,"
And I was right!
A Roadrunner walked down the hill and entered the Wheel through the West Gate - he did a little dance for me and then exited through the south gate.
I was so awed I began to cry with joy.
The Divine Heart Wheel had been Blessed and Initiated by one of the most powerful medicines in the Southwest,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More about the Divine Heart Wheel

I got side tracked for a few days but back to my story of the Divine Heart Wheel.
The design inspiration came from Sugar Loaf.
Sugar Loaf is a very important Vortex in Sedona and most people are not aware of it's significance.
In our Sedona Vortex Yoga DVD we filmed one of the Seven Segments at the Top of Sugar Loaf.
And Akal and I were married under the Wedding Tree at the base of Sugar Loaf.
One of these days if you keep checking this Blog I will tell you a powerful story about Sugar Loaf.
For now it is important for you to know that a Vortexes energy rings out for 22 miles.  The Sedona Rouge is located in the energy field of Sugar Loaf. So it is this energy that informs and empowers the Divine Heart Wheel.
Once I knew what I wanted to build I spent three months hauling rocks from home and measuring out perfect circumferences and creating the Wheel.
In the East Gate there is a Heart made of Black Basalt Rock - this represents the Human Heart.
In the Yogic Chakra Tradition there are two Hearts.  The Human Heart which is located just above the diaphragm and is very closely related to the third Chakra.  This Human Heart Chakra actually thinks - no believes it can be broken.  It wonders how people can hurt it so much - it cannot take the pain of the World.
This is the Bleeding, breaking, crying Heart. How could they do this to me?  How could they do it like that?  Why would they do that?  This Heart likes to control, to edit, to judge, limit and change.
This is a very difficult and painful Heart to live in.
There is another Heart Chakra - this is known as the Hrit - or the Divine Heart.
The Divine Heart is the Heart that cannot be broken.  The image of Christ with his Heart in his palm.  This Heart is only Love.  And love is infinite strength and courage.  This is the Heart that Allows.  This is the Heart that allows everyone and everything to BE, Do and Express and Experience exactly what they wish.  This is the Heart that Let's Go and Let's God.  This is unconditional Love.
That sounds like a Heart that is a lot easier to live with and in.
The Divine Heart Wheel is an actual treasure map in rock that shows you the way to enter the Divine Heart.
Next time we will enter through the East gate together and Walk the Wheel to the Divine Heart.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We had a beautiful Wedding Ceremony yesterday. 
Lovely Bride and Groom all dressed up in  Tuxedo and Bridal Gown.
The Ceremony was at Red Rock Crossing.  So beautiful, with Cathedral in the background and the Creek dancing and bubbling past us and the sky sooo blue.
they just had her parents in attendance as the witnesses. lots of Love.  And Sedona put on such a show - all her finest fall garments.
We truly were blessed.
And today - again she is blessing us with delicious, fall weather.  Sun, blue sky, sweet temperatures.
Lovely, lovely, lovely.
May our Blessings rain upon all of you!

Monday, November 16, 2009


My Beloved friend Kia Milagros is facing a very big health challenge.  Kia is known as Mama Kia in Peru and has a beautiful orphanage with 30 children.  For more on the orphanage please see their website:
For all you yogis and yoginis, Kia also has a beautiful Yoga Retreat Center in the Sacred Valley which is a business that supports the Orphanage and will provide jobs for the children when they grow so that the orphanage continues on always.  See:
Kia is one of the hardest serving, selfless people on the planet.
This fall Kia was diagnosed with Multiple Melanoma.  she had a preliminary treatment in Peru - which was very intense and extremely hard on her.
After lots of research and assistance from her family and friends she is now an outpatient and an incredible clinic in Houston.  For more on this clinic see:
Her treatment there is much more humane and she is doing well.  This is a very intense program and she will have to be a patient there for at least a year.
Her family and friends are helping with the payments but these will be very expensive treatments.  Kia has no Medical Insurance and no savings.  everything she has received has always gone to the children and the orphanage.
If you can help in any way over the next year - please send your donations to:
Wire transfer to:
Duncan Bradley Whiteford
account # 9423099259
Wells Fargo Bank
901 Gessner Rd.
Houston , Texas 77024
Routing # 121000248
Swift # WFBIUS6S
Or mailing address in Sarasota will be:
make checks payable to Bradley Whitford
c/o Feller
2547 Loma Linda Street
Sarasota , Florida
Any funds that remain after her treatments will be given to the orphanage.
Kia still has lots of giving and loving to do on this planet.  thank you so much for being part of her resurrection!  KIA LIVES!!! 
Please share this with your circle. 
May the Kia, the hope and the Love live in all of us.

To Service, Devotion, Life and Love.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Proposal

This morning when I went to teach my daily JOYOGA class I heard a great story.
This happened yesterday.
A man hired one of the Bell Men to paint a giant sheet with the words:


And then the Bell Man had to hike to the top of Doe Mesa and spread out the sheet.
The young man flew overtop in a helicopter tour with his girlfriend and that is how he proposed.
Still no word on whether she accepted but all signs point to YES!!

Sedona is a great place to propose.  Think I will add a special Proposal page to our new website Sedona Destination Weddings.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Divine Heart Wheel

The Divine Heart Wheel
The Divine Heart Wheel is located on the Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa property.  It is a secret little gem - hidden away in the back of the property.  Not many people find it - but those who do are truly meant to!
Last year I had one of my Visions - It became really clear to me that there should be a Medicine Wheel on the Rouge property.  I suggested this to the Manager - he did not know what a Medicine Wheel was.  I sent him info and he said - Yes, let's have a Medicine Wheel.
So, I thought that was that.  I was sure that the grounds people would take it from there.  But nothing happened.  It became very clear that if I thought there should be a Medicine Wheel then I had better build it.
Daniel and Greg agreed on the location and I set about clearing the land.  Akal helped with the really heavy work.
And then - nothing.  I didn't  know what the Wheel should look like.  I sat with it and dreamed on it for several months.  Then the Wheel began to form for me.  It is in the field of the Sugar Loaf Vortex and Sweet Sugar Loaf  greatly influences the Wheel. 
It took me another three months to manifest the Wheel in 3D.  Many days I filled my Raider with rocks from home and pulled a wheel barrow to the car after yoga class and slowly added to the wheel.
More on the Divine Heart Wheel next post!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Rainy Day

It's a cool, cloudy and sometimes rainy day in Sedona.

This is a great Blessing for all wholive here.  We so seldom get rain.  And here's a secret tip for visitors.
Rainy days are one of the best times for getting out on the Red Rocks and exploring.  The air is fresh and smells so sweet.  The trails are virtually empy so you have the whole magical landscape to yourself. AND there are waterfalls and rivers all over the place.  the sky is mystical with clouds and puffs of mist in the canyons.  Make sure you stay up high and avoid the washes and you can have a day and or a tour with Sedona Red Rock Tours that you will never forget!
One place I love to go when it is really raining is the Seven Sacred Pools.  There are waterfalls pouring down the Canyon walls, a river is running through and the pools are gushing.  Awesome!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Last of the Huna principles is:

To Love is to be happy with.

That means a lot.  To Love is to ALLOW.  To Let it Be.  To Let go and let God.  Unconditional Love.  Let the Universe and our Loved Ones expand, explore and evolve as they wish - and to Love them as they are in the Moment of Power - the NOW.
Sharing together the Sacred Breath of Life and allowing that Breath to express exactly what, how ,where and when it feels. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Now is the moment of Power!

Cease the day, the Hour, the Moment.

Like a bumper sticker I picked up in Ashland, Oregon says:



Be in each and every moment as fully as you can.  Inhabit your life.  Be present.

Being Me

Monday, November 9, 2009


Today's Huna principle is:
All Power comes from within.

We all have our own personal, sovereign power.
Our piece of the Spirit pie.  We are born with it and it is our special mark - our Mana.    
The only place we can regenerate or recharge is within ourselves.  Nothing outside can fuel us.  No amount of riches, connections, relationships without can feed that Mana or add to it.  And our Mana is not compatible with any other vehicle.  We can not do it for anyone else.  No one else can truly ride on our power.
All the resources we need are within.
Take a moment.
Breath deeply.
Go within and feel the truth of yourself, your essence., your own personal power - Your MANA.
Honor this Spirit, protect it, feed it and nurture it and when you need it - when you call on it there will be Kala - no limits to your POWER.  Your MANA.
(If you want more Huna and more Blogs from Sedona - please go to our Blog daily and check out our posts and become a follower.)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Happy Sunday morning to everyone.

Today's Huna Principle is one of my favorites.  I really resonate with it.

Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

If it works it is true! 
It is very important for me to be effective.  This principle tells me that truth is not written in stone.  Truth is found in the moment.  And what works now may not work even 10 minutes from now. So in 10 minutes it may no longer be true.
This keeps me in the NOW. 
We must be ready, willing and able to speak, live, know, recognize our truth in each and every moment.
PONO will make masters of us all!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Some More HUNA

Aloha All.

The World was definitely not what I thought it should be this past week but I am back.  Back with more Huna.

The next principle of Huna is:

There are no limits.

And as my Dear friend Richard always reminds me - the sky is definitely NOT the Limit.
There are no limits.

That's not big - it's limitless. 
This is one that I suggest you meditate on for an unlimited amount of time and space.  Let your mind marinate in it.  Allow  expansion to occur.

Whenever I think Kala, I think of my dear friend Kala Kos.  I have known her for 30 years.  A beautiful, spirited, powerful and absolutely unlimited woman.  Synchronicity stepped in this week when Kala sent me an email about her latest project just when I was about to share the principle of Kala with you. .  Since there are no coincidences I figure it means I should share Kala's info with you!
To My Female Friends,

Got some good news to share.

I've been hearing fabulous reports about
the Preview Call Dr. Kala Kos had and  
apparently there was such a record
turn-out that she's scheduled another  
for the weekend.

If you didn't have a chance to join
her LIVE today for:

The 3 Biggest Blunders that Force Women
to Do Too Much, Settle for Too Little,
and Live a Life They Don't Love.

There will be another 75 min call on:

Saturday, Nov 7th
11am pacific/ 1pm central/ 2pm eastern
(The session will be recorded)

This is already online at:

Hope you'll be able to make it and
perhaps pass this on to other female


P.S.  More Huna to come!!