Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More about the Divine Heart Wheel

I got side tracked for a few days but back to my story of the Divine Heart Wheel.
The design inspiration came from Sugar Loaf.
Sugar Loaf is a very important Vortex in Sedona and most people are not aware of it's significance.
In our Sedona Vortex Yoga DVD we filmed one of the Seven Segments at the Top of Sugar Loaf.
And Akal and I were married under the Wedding Tree at the base of Sugar Loaf.
One of these days if you keep checking this Blog I will tell you a powerful story about Sugar Loaf.
For now it is important for you to know that a Vortexes energy rings out for 22 miles.  The Sedona Rouge is located in the energy field of Sugar Loaf. So it is this energy that informs and empowers the Divine Heart Wheel.
Once I knew what I wanted to build I spent three months hauling rocks from home and measuring out perfect circumferences and creating the Wheel.
In the East Gate there is a Heart made of Black Basalt Rock - this represents the Human Heart.
In the Yogic Chakra Tradition there are two Hearts.  The Human Heart which is located just above the diaphragm and is very closely related to the third Chakra.  This Human Heart Chakra actually thinks - no believes it can be broken.  It wonders how people can hurt it so much - it cannot take the pain of the World.
This is the Bleeding, breaking, crying Heart. How could they do this to me?  How could they do it like that?  Why would they do that?  This Heart likes to control, to edit, to judge, limit and change.
This is a very difficult and painful Heart to live in.
There is another Heart Chakra - this is known as the Hrit - or the Divine Heart.
The Divine Heart is the Heart that cannot be broken.  The image of Christ with his Heart in his palm.  This Heart is only Love.  And love is infinite strength and courage.  This is the Heart that Allows.  This is the Heart that allows everyone and everything to BE, Do and Express and Experience exactly what they wish.  This is the Heart that Let's Go and Let's God.  This is unconditional Love.
That sounds like a Heart that is a lot easier to live with and in.
The Divine Heart Wheel is an actual treasure map in rock that shows you the way to enter the Divine Heart.
Next time we will enter through the East gate together and Walk the Wheel to the Divine Heart.

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