Saturday, January 2, 2010


I am hereby declaring that 2010 is the Year of Pura Vida.

Pura Vida is a wonderful Costa Rican expression/experience.  it is the root of all Costa rican Culture - it encapsulates their Spirit.
Pura Vida literally means Pure Life.  They live in a country that is very vibrant and alive - surrounded by a powerful nature.  To them living fully, deeply, wildly, totally is to be living the Pura Vida.
Pura Vida does not judge.  In the Pura Vida World one thing is not good and the other bad. No it is all Pura Vida.
It is all Life - fully and truly and purely life.  Life is the good, the bad, the ugly, the vibrant, the dull, the passionate, the lazy, the intense and the serene.  Life is kind, cruel, bitter and sweet.  Life is all things.  Life is Pura Vida.
When you ask the true Costa Rican or the Tico at heart how they are their instant reply is Pura Vida.  No matter that they are - whether in grief or pain or having past a sleepless night or in fear or laden with worries.  Their reply is Pura Vida.
I now declare 2010 the Pura Vida year in order to ingrain this Pura Vida energy into my soul and deep into my cells.  I release judgements and critiques in lieu of Pura Vida.  I choose to train myself to acknowledge the majesty and power and mystery of each moment with the observation of Pura Vida.

Happy Pura Vida Year all!!

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