Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Wheel Walk Continues

Our Journey continues around the Wheel.  from the East we walk towards the South. We walk through the morning hours and the first 25 years of our lives,

We walk thru the Spring.  We walk to the SOUTH. The South is FIRE.  It is passion and strong will. It is knowing it all.  It is energy, vitality and youth. The South is the home of the Wolf and the Coyote Spirit. 

As we enter the South the time is High Noon.  We are 25 years old and we are on fire with enthusiasm and fully engaged in the physical World.  

For today allow yourself to feel young and full of life and passionate.  Eat your food with gusto.  Breath deeply.  Love intensely.  Feel the fire in your belly. Be ablaze. 
Ah Ho.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Wheel Journey Begins

The Sedona Divine Heart Wheel has 4 Bridges.  These Bridges lead one into the Center of the Wheel.
Each Bridge or pathway acts as a walkway through the Thymus Gland Bridge that takes one into the Divine Heart.
The Bridges each have different qualities and energies.
Let enter the Wheel now - acknowledging the energies and elements of the East.
The East is Air and represents creativity, inspiration, child like behavior, playfulness. The time of day is 6 a.m.  The East is birth and New Beginnings.
When we step into the East we are leaving behind the World of Spirit and entering into the World of Matter.
Beside every Medicine Wheel there is an implied second Wheel it joins at the East.  The Second Wheel represents the world of Spirit and so is invisible.  The two conjoined Wheels form a figure 8 or an Infinity Symbol.  This represents the never ending cycle of life.  As we die to the Spiritual World we are born to the Material.  Our leaving is an arrival.
We are born into the morning of our Physical Life in the East.
Ah Ho!
Sedona Red Rock Tours

Monday, June 20, 2011

Entering the Wheel

We enter the Divine Heart Wheel at the Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa through the East.
Before we step into the Black Basalt Rock Human Heart at the East please stop and smudge yourself with the Rose Water provided. 

Smudging cleans off your aura and removes any negative energy that may be clinging to you.  It also sets the tone for entering Sacred Space.

We step into the Human Heart.  This Heart represents the Heart that feels all the pain of the World.  The Heart that thinks it will break.  The Heart that believes it can be broken.  The Heart that cannot hold all the Love it feels and so it closes down and limits expression of how deeply you truly feel.

As we enter the Wheel we step out of the Human Heart and begin to travel forward towards the Divine Heart.

Take a deep breath now and let yourself feel that Human Heart.  Love that expression of yourself and prepare yourself to leave it behind now.  When you come to Sedona your Heart knows that you are ready to cross that thymus gland Bridge and enter the Divine Heart.

We'll continue our Journey in the next Blog.


Sedona Red Rock Vortex Tours

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sedona's Divine Heart Medicine Wheel

Sedona has many lovely Medicine Wheels.  This one is a hidden gem.  It is called the Divine Heart Wheel.  Akal and I created it on the property of the Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa. Each Medicine Wheel reflects the energy of the land it lies on.

It took me three months of Meditation to really see or have a Vision of the Wheel this property was calling for. The Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa lies in the energy field of Sugar Loaf.

Sugar Loaf is a very powerful and little known Vortex. It is the 'Heart' of Sedona. Sedona has so many vortexes that they actually create a Chakra.  Sedona is one of Planet Earth's Chakra Centers.

The Chakra that Sedona represents is the Thymus Gland Bridge between the Human Heart and the Divine Heart.  In Sanskrit and the Yogic Practice this heart is called the Hrit.

When you are drawn to Sedona a part of you knows that you are ready to cross that Bridge.  The Bridge from the Human Heart that thinks it can break and bleed.

The human heart that cannot take the suffering of the World and shuts down. You leave that heart behind and walk boldly towards the Divine Heart. 

The Heart that is only love.  The Heart that can accept all things and love unconditionally.
The Divine Heart Wheel is a stone Map of that journey.

We will take you through a journey in the Wheel next post.

Wheel Builder

Sedona Red Rock Tours

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cathedral Rock

Catheral Rock as seen from Red Rock Crossing is the second most photographed site in Arizona.  The Grand Canyon is the first.

Cathedral rises up above Oak Creek.  I call Oak Creek the Ganges of America.  It is very sacred water since it originates in the San Fransisco Peaks. 

The San Fransisco Peaks are sacred to the local tribes. Cathedral Rock and red Rock Crossing are a large feminine or magnetic Vortex.

The energy is very relaxing and nurturing.  There is a deep sense of peace and love here.  It is a great place to set intentions and plant the seeds for new projects.  Then let the Red Rocks and life gestate.

Sedona Red Rock Vortex Tours