Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Wheel Journey Begins

The Sedona Divine Heart Wheel has 4 Bridges.  These Bridges lead one into the Center of the Wheel.
Each Bridge or pathway acts as a walkway through the Thymus Gland Bridge that takes one into the Divine Heart.
The Bridges each have different qualities and energies.
Let enter the Wheel now - acknowledging the energies and elements of the East.
The East is Air and represents creativity, inspiration, child like behavior, playfulness. The time of day is 6 a.m.  The East is birth and New Beginnings.
When we step into the East we are leaving behind the World of Spirit and entering into the World of Matter.
Beside every Medicine Wheel there is an implied second Wheel it joins at the East.  The Second Wheel represents the world of Spirit and so is invisible.  The two conjoined Wheels form a figure 8 or an Infinity Symbol.  This represents the never ending cycle of life.  As we die to the Spiritual World we are born to the Material.  Our leaving is an arrival.
We are born into the morning of our Physical Life in the East.
Ah Ho!
Sedona Red Rock Tours

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