Sunday, October 4, 2009


It's the Full Moon in Sedona.
It was a wild and raw day, high winds, clouds, sun, rain - La Lluvia de la Luna Llena.
The Full Moon Rain we call it in Costa Rica.
You can almost be certain that it will rain on a full moon in the tropics.
Here in the desert it is a true Blessing.
There was even snow up on the Peaks in Flagstaff.
Fall is here.
The Harvest Moon.
Time to be grateful for all of our Blessings and the Abundance of our Harvest.
Take a moment and really reap your harvest.
Reap the rewards for all that you have planted, all that you have sown, all that has born fruit.  All the Love, Success, Expansion, Growth and Health, comfort, friendship.
For all our Blessings Let us be grateful.
Thank you Beloved,
Gracias Senor,

1 comment:

  1. lovely perception, beautifully expressed. Yes, the Harvest Full Moon is a magnificent moment, especially related to inner listening, feeling or awareness of the inner harvest and its appreciation. The sunrise to the outer harvest and the ability to share with others. listening, feeling and giving, our individual trinity.
    eric rolf
