Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Yippeee!! and Happy Birthday week to me.
This afternoon Akal and I were present to welcome Kekoa home.  He walked in on his own steam.  He was a little groggy.  He did one thing I have been visualizing him doing.  Whenever I give him loving and scratch his chest he always grabs my hand with his paw when I stop to urge me to go on. Today was no exception - he said please I want some more.  And apparently he means more than just a scratch.  His prognosis is good and with all of our strong intentions it will be even better!!

And NOW for my pet peeve of the day.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the term Woo Woo to describe I suppose a Spiritually based lifestyle.
The Spiritual community in Sedona is often called the Woo Wooers.  Friends call and refer anything to do with spirituality to me because they know that I can handle the Woo Woo as they put it.  Concierges call and say that they have more Woo Wooers for us. And on and on.

What one person calls Woo Woo I call the only way to be.
We are all Spiritual Beings have a physical Experience.  We are Spirit exploring matter.  Matter comes and goes. Spirit lives on forever.
The Woo Wooers as we are called know this and live their lives with this in mind.  Our priorities reflect this knowledge and our lives are made richer by this awareness.

And of course now even Physics is a Spiritual Science.  Many people haven't kept up and still believe that Newtonian Physics rules matter.  In this model they believe in fate and being victims. There is nothing you can do to affect what is destined.  But in Quantum Physics we become the Cause.  Consciousness is the Creative Force of the Universe.  And we are as Spirit pure Consciousness.  As such we create the world as we wish.
This is an ancient HUNA (Hawaiian) principle:

IKI - the World is what you think it is.

My friends and I in our "Woo Woo" way used that principle yesterday with Kekoa. And personally, I prefer the results that we got.
For all of those who find comfort in poking fun and distancing themselves from we Woo Wooers my prayer is that you too
Get on Board the Train Before it leaves the station.


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